Lectures (Abroad):
- University of la Laguna, Department of Mathematics, (Tenerife/Spain), June 2023. Topic: "The Markov complexity of book graphs". (invited speaker)
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Einstein Institute of Mathematics, KU-Jerusalem Lunch seminar, (Jerusalem/Israel), April 2023. Topic: "The structure of complete intersection graphs and their planarity". (invited speaker)
- Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy: Simion Stoilow, (Bucharest/Romania), May 2022. Topic: "Quadratic robust and generalized robust toric ideals of graphs". (invited speaker)
- University of la Laguna, Department of Mathematics, (Tenerife/Spain), January 2022. Topic: "On robustness and related properties on toric ideals". (invited speaker)
- University of la Laguna, Department of Mathematics, (Tenerife/Spain), September 2021. Topic: "On the relative size of toric bases". (invited speaker)
- University of la Laguna, Department of Mathematics, (Tenerife/Spain), June 2019. Topic: "The structure of complete intersection graphs and their planarity". (invited speaker)
- University of Ovidius, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, International conference, Combinatorial structures in algebra and geometry, (Constanta/Romania), August 2018. Topic: "The structure of complete intersection graphs and their planarity".
- University of Valladolid, International conference, EACA'S Second International School On Computer Algebra and Applications, (Valladolid/Spain), June 2013. Topic: “On the degree bounds of Graver basis”.
- Çankırı Karatekin University, Department of Mathematics, International conference, Karatekin Mathematics Days, (Cankiri/Turkey), June 2011. Topic: “Complete intersection toric ideals of graphs”. (invited speaker)
Lectures (in Greece):
- University of the Aegean, Department of Mathematics, December 2024
- Combinatorics and Geometry in Ioannina (International Conference) 2024, September 2024 (invited speaker)
- University of Western Macedonia, Department of Mathematics, March 2024 (invited speaker)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Mathematics, 9th pan-Hellenic Algebra and Number Theory Conference, May 2023 (invited speaker)
- University of the Aegean, Department of Mathematics, April 2023
- National Technical University of Athens, SCGM-2022, July 2022 (invited speaker)
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, May 2022 (invited speaker)
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, September 2021 (invited speaker)
- University of the Aegean, Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, Main speaker: Seminar on Algebraic Statistics (MSc program), May 2020 (invited speaker)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Mathematics, April 2019 (invited speaker)
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, November 2018
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, May 2016 (invited speaker)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Mathematics, March 2016
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, December 2015
- University of the Aegean, Department of Mathematics, May 2015
- University of the Aegean, Department of Mathematics, December 2014
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Mathematics, November 2013 (invited speaker)
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, September 2011
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Mathematics, May 2011
- University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, November 2007
Other public lectures:
- Lyceum of Petras (Mitilini/Lesvos), Topic: "Mathematics without equations", March 2017.