I am interested in the following areas of research:
- Commutative, Combinatorial and Computational Algebra
- Algebraic Combinatorics
- Algebraic Graph Theory
- Symbolic Computation
Google scholar profile, Mathscinet profile, Scopus profile
- I.Garcia-Marco, I.Márquez-Corbella, Ch.Tatakis, Toric ideals of graphs minimally generated by a Gröbner basis, preprint.
- Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, The structure of complete intersection graphs and their planarity, preprint.
Published papers:
- I.Garcia-Marco, P.A.Garcia-Sanchez, I.Ojeda, Ch.Tatakis, Universally free numerical semigroups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 228 (5), 107551 (2024).
- Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, M.Vladoiu, The Markov complexity of book graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 661, 51-78, (2023).
- I.Garcia-Marco, Ch.Tatakis, On robustness and related properties on toric ideals, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 57 (1), 21-52, (2023).
- Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, On the relative size of toric bases, Journal of Algebra and its Applications 21 (4), 2250079, 18 pp., (2022).
- Y.C.Stamatiou, Ch.Tatakis, An algorithm for computing the universal Gröbner basis of graph ideals, Int. Journal of Computer Mathematics CST 4 (2), 67-75, (2019).
- Ch.Tatakis, Generalized robust toric ideals, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (1), 263-277, (2016).
- Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, Graver degrees are not polynomially bounded by true circuit degrees, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219, 2658-2665, (2015).
- Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, On complete intersection toric ideals of graphs, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 38 (2), 351-370, (2013).
- E.Reyes, Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, Minimal generators of toric ideals of graphs, Advances in Applied Mathematics 48 (1), 64-78, (2012).
- Ch.Tatakis, A.Thoma, On the universal Gröbner basis of toric ideals of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 118, 1540-1548, (2011).
My collaborators:
- Ignacio Garcia-Marco, University of La Laguna, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matematicas, Estadistica e I.O., Tenerife/Spain.
- Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez, University of Granada, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Algebra, Granada/Spain.
- Irene Márquez-Corbella, University of La Laguna, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matematicas, Estadistica e I.O., Tenerife/Spain.
- Ignacio Ojeda, University of Extremadura, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matematicas, Badajod/Spain.
- Enrique Reyes, University of Mexico City, Department of Mathematics, Mexico city/Mexico.
- Yannis Stamatiou, University of Patras, Department of Business Administration, Computer Technology Institute and Press - "Diophantus", Patra/Greece
- Apostolos Thoma, University of Ioannina, Department of Mathematics, Ioannina/Greece.
- Marius Vladoiu, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bucharest/Romania.
Erdos number: 3 (via: P. Erdos <--> S. Janson <--> Y.C. Stamatiou <--> Ch. Tatakis)